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Learn Chinese Language by Corrections

I am a native Chinese speaker. I have discovered that the best way to learn a language is by receiving feedback and corrections from a native speaker. I would be delighted to assist you with that. Why not send me your Chinese writings, speeches, or even a song, and let's see how I can help you improve them?

I assure you that all your mistakes will be corrected honestly, and my intention is not to offend you. You are doing great! I simply want to help you learn from your mistakes. In real-life conversations with native speakers, they may not always point out the mistakes you make. However, I am here to answer any questions you may have about the corrections. Please note that while the grammatically correct sentences you have made may not always be commonly used in everyday life in China, I can show you how to construct sentences that sound more natural and native-like. I can also check if your pronunciation is correct.

For casual users, the service is free. Please feel free to send your Chinese work to e@cncorrect.com and get corrections.

Why is writing or speaking Chinese actively important for language learners?

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CNCorrect Tutor

I recommend trying CNCorrect Tutor, an AI-based app that knows Chinese better than any other tool that I have ever encountered. You can chat freely and openly with the CNCorrect Tutor in Chinese. You can ask it a question in Chinese, English or your native language. You can also request it to complete a task with you. Let’s begin.